I listen to the radio. I don't have an MP3 player in the car, haven't got the patience to hook the ipod up to something in the car and the CD player stopped working long ago. (That seems to be a theme with this van...I'm just thankful it gets me from point a to point b. :) )
The Husband (and the children too) will tell you that in addition to listening to the radio, my finger is perpetually on the "scan" button because I don't want to miss a good song by hanging out with a mediocre one. I've been tempering my button pushing urges when I'm riding with others though. I'm at least trying to be considerate. ;)
However, when I'm alone and can scan to my heart's content...I often find myself stopping on talk radio, particularly faith-based sermon type things, especially by women. And that's how I came to remember this verse, one which I had been holding onto quite tightly but seem to have lost lately...
"For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope."
— Jeremiah 29:11 (NRSV)
Someone was using this verse as the point of reference and I thought, hmmm...how did I let go of that lifeline? Because that's' what it is...a reminder of hope and a plan even when my own plans seem to be floundering (or totally lost).
It's so easy to forget that my own plan might not be the best plan. It's so easy to get angry and frustrated and look for a person (or persons) to blame. That is not what getting up each day, expecting God to show up is about. And that kind of attitude is not keeping Jeremiah 29:11 in mind. But it's human as human can be...and I'm pretty human.
So while it's easy to worry and get frustrated, to wonder why and how...I am working to remember that God does show up in ways I might not anticipate.
If I keep an open mind, I have a better chance of actually seeing the miracles and opportunities. If I keep an open heart, I will feel the joy and experience the wonder.
Praying that your mind is open to the possibilities and that your heart is open to love.
While I usually think I'm letting go and letting God, I like to KNOW what's coming and that's counter-productive so thanks for the reminder this morning! :)