Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Today a friend asked a question on Crackbook Facebook about how much time people spend actually doing things with our kids as opposed to existing in the same house with them. My wiseapple answer was, "you mean when I'm not folding their clean clothes, putting their dishes in the dishwasher or playing short order cook?"

I think I spend a decent amount of time with my kids. You know I write about them a lot. If I'm being honest, I could be doing more with them. Every night I go to bed thinking of missed opportunities and every morning I wake up thinking that today I will focus more on the kids and less on other things. Then I repeat the previous evenings regrets again at bedtime. It's a vicious cycle really.

I have heard all the "quality v. quantity" arguments. I think it's just one more way for moms to compare themselves to others in that gloriously evil way we do, either building ourselves up or putting others down, or a combination of both.

The truth is, we all do the best we can in the circumstances we're living in. I am not supermom, or super housekeeper, or super wife. I am just me, human Stacey, doing the best I can with the gifts God gave me. I do what I enjoy doing; baking (sometimes), knitting, reading and sharing these gifts and other gifts and interests with my family and those I meet along the way. We play games, do puzzles, build with Legos, color...all that jazz. Just not all the time.

Sometimes instead of playing trains or scrubbing the toilet I need to spend 30 minutes reading a mystery or knitting or even on that addictive social networking site catching up with my peeps. ;) That is OK. (Or I'm just trying to make myself feel better. ;) )

At any rate 40 years ago my mom didn't spend hours playing board games with me or coloring and to be honest the only adult I remember sitting down to play with me is my dad occasionally. My mom and SIL taught me to crochet, knit and needlepoint, but I was playing on my own and I think overall, I turned out OK.

So my humble opinion is that we all should just do the best we can living the life God gave us. Enjoy your time and try not to measure yourself against another person's standard. Some people might do things differently but it's not better or worse, it just is. Do what you love, love what you do, love God, love others...it's all good. :)

Praying that I use my time wisely or at least without regrets. I pray the same for you.


1 comment:

  1. I wanted to say thank you for your kind words on my blog! They are very much appreciated!
    Love your post too. I am withmy girls a lot with school and work around here with the animals. We live together that includes work and play! A little quality along with quantity is what works here!
