Sunday, March 21, 2010

They Feed My Soul...

The women. The girlfriends and acquaintances from all walks of life. Some with kids, some without.

This weekend I had many opportunities to come in contact with women I know to various degrees. Some I've known a lot longer than others. Some are far away and we've chatted via e-mail and telephone. Some I haven't seen in months, others I see pretty regularly.

It really doesn't matter. It's not about the length or depth of the discussion, or even how many deep dark secrets we've shared. (Some probably don't even have dark secrets to share. ;) ) The relationships, the support, kind words, compassion and camaraderie we share...they give me strength and refuge, they soothe me when I'm frazzled and I gain strength and confidence from them. These women empathize even when they may not understand, accept even when they may not agree and are amazing examples of God's love.

These women...they nurture me with a smile. A hug. An offering of friendship. They might not even realize how their acts of kindness, acceptance and understanding give me strength and happiness. They make me laugh out loud, they make me think. They encourage me to realize my potential, and realize when I am stretching myself too thin.

I am so very thankful to be surrounded by such an amazing group of women.


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you have a wonderful circle of friends! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me a comment. It is a blessing to me to "meet" like minded women through the forum of blogging! :)
