Monday, August 30, 2010

At Peace

Yesterday (Sunday) I was making pizza dough when 3 yo walked in beaming from ear to ear carrying a cucumber. He had picked it himself and was so THRILLED to bring it to me. Afterward, the Husband said, "OK, ready for your shower." He turned to his daddy adoringly, took his hand and said, "OK Daddy."

My heart melted and I thought, "This is what it's all about."

Making dinner from scratch (mostly, I haven't tried making cheese yet. ;) ), the boys playing outside in the woods building forts and creating a bug rescue operation...what could be better? (*E* is concerned about lost or homeless bugs. While I applaud his caring, I said a definitive "No!" when he asked if they could come inside. Of course *E* is afraid of a common housefly so his new-found desire to save bugs is interesting.)

I was keenly aware that last night was the last dinner we would probably have as a family of 7. I should be delivering Miss M today (barring a huge run on L&D making beds scarce).

I was also keenly aware of how much I want to get back to basics. (I admit the article in the local paper about urban homesteaders probably reignited my desire to live sustainably.)

I'll be the first to admit I am "high maintenance". I'd like to change that. I think that as I get older and as my family gets larger, my priorities change and I see things through a different lens. And it's a good thing.

Life is good. God is great. Blessings are found in all sorts of interesting places.

Wishing you peace and contentment in the simplest and most mundane of tasks.


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