Thursday, February 4, 2010

Invasion of the Cake Snatcher...

Two-year-olds are mysterious and crafty beings.

I could stop there. Maybe I should. After all, one of the other children might be jealous if they knew I was writing about the youngest of the brood again today.

But, they'll get over it.

Today I decided to bake a cake. It is a good day for a nice, moist yellow cake with homemade butter cream frosting, don't you think? I have been craving cake since I watched Cake Boss on Monday night.

Problem #1: although I greased and floured the pans..the bottom of both layers stuck to the pans. The silver lining...#5 son and I shared some scrumptious cake bits.

Problem #2: a taste of cake bits wasn't enough for the son we have dubbed "Captain Long Arms". I only wish I had a picture of him triumphantly shoving a fistful of moist and yummy cake goodness into his sweet angelic little mouth. :) There isn't a counter deep enough in my kitchen where a cooling rack is safe from his long and determined reach. One of my round (although definitely dented) cake layers now has a nice chunk out of the side. Oh well...whoever gets that piece will get extra frosting. :)

Funny thing...he didn't seem to have much of an appetite at lunch time. ;)



  1. that sounds like my house-- no counter is deep enough-- how can he get the bread off the counter and empty the bag before I catch is still a mystery! Such crafty wonders 2 year old boys are-- my girls would never have pulled off half the stuff he has!

  2. He didn't have much of an appetite for lunch because you didn't serve more cake for lunch! :)
